Locally owned and operated, Apex Pharmacy services residents throughout the Apex, Cary, Holly Springs, and Fuqua Varina, NC area with high-quality care and a commitment to your health.
Our loyal customers rely on our personalized services to meet their family’s needs. If you have a question, your pharmacist is here to answer all of your questions regarding your medication.
At Apex Pharmacy, we offer complete pharmacy services at an affordable price. Our helpful and friendly pharmacist welcomes your questions and provides knowledgeable guidance on your medications. We will take the time to go over any possible side effects from your prescription or over-the-counter medicines.
We offer competitive pricing on prescriptions for uninsured patients. Our goal is to keep you in the best health and help you save money. Give us a call when your doctor gives you a new prescription. We’ll help you find the best price and save you money.
We offer state-of-the-art services with a hometown neighborhood pharmacy care. Please feel free to call us anytime during business hours or visit us with any questions regarding medications, supplements, compounding, or our medical dosage services.
Call (919) 626-7332 today to learn about your pharmacy services!
Address: 904 West Williams Street, Apex, NC, 27502
Phone: (919)-629-7332
Fax: (919) 629-7335
Email: info@apexpharmacync.com